CJ's Recording Studio

CJ's recently upgraded recording studio is ready and lots of fantastic new sounds have been heard seeping out of the carpet-walled wonderroom.  Called 'Suite A', this is CJ's 3rd studio and the first upgrade to this location.  CJ kids music and family songs for home and the classroom.  Kids music digital downloads and Educational Music CDs.

Suite A Studio

CJ's recently upgraded recording studio is ready and lots of fantastic new sounds have been heard seeping out of the carpet-walled wonderroom.  Called 'Suite A', this is CJ's 3rd studio and the first upgrade to this location. 


Additions to CJ's Studio include:

  • New Mac Mini Computer
  • Novation Impuse 61 Keyboard/Workstation
  • ProTools 10 (recording)
  • Reason 6.5 (composing)
  • Reorganization